Northumberland Tries

 Life in Dorm halls is a bit different from living in an apartment. Being a CA is one of the jobs that keep the building in shape and available to students. My personal CA, Lia allowed me to ask him about his experience as a CA. "Being a CA has its benefits for sure, but the responsibility can put a little pressure on me at times". One of the benefits of being a CA is having your own room free of charge. That all sounds enticing and all, but one wrong step and you could lose your job in a flash.

The purpose of being CA's in the building is to assist 1st year students and to be a resource. They also help enforce Bloomsburg University policy and crisis response. "Being a CA is a bit of a double-edged sword, because while it has many benefits that would help me financially, and give me connections as well as develop skills to be used in the work force, it also a burden to many CA's who find themselves struggling". " Being a CA doesn't take away from the fact that I am still a student". Being able to identify that while yes, CA's jobs are to guide you in as a student, they are also a student on campus. They are here to help, but you have to be doing the right thing because it is their job to keep you and the building safe. There is also the core CA who's job is to essentially be the CA to the CA's. So the job isn't just for the residents, it's also for the CA's as well.

 A part of a CA in this building is getting involved with your residents, just t make sure that they are ok. "The purpose of Intentional Conversations is to extend a hand to residents because there are some residents who need that outreach for anything that is going on." One other way that CA's get involved with their residents is by creating monthly programs. These programs help engage with residents on a more personal level, and to also get residents to meet other residents. Being able to know who your CA is and the other residents you're living with , helps improve the overall quality of life. Knowing that people are there to help you is very important to anybody.



Another major part of being a CA is being sure that your residents are maintaining proper safety protocol." CA's are trained in many different protocols for any type of incident that could occur. An example of this could be if a fire broke out, if a student is injured, and if a student is a risk to themselves or others". Another safety protocol given to CA's is rounds. Rounds are done to be sure that the wellbeing of the building is being upheld. This can be that fire extinguishers are charged properly checking bathrooms to make sure there are no students passed out in the bathrooms, and to make sure that the hallways are clean. The purpose of these safety protocols is to make sure that all residents are being as safe to themselves as they are to others.


Being a CA can be oversimplified at times. The job does require a good amount of fast critical thinking, people skills, a certain level of creativity and professionalism. Interviewing CA Lia made it pretty clear that the job isn't just about free boarding and a paycheck. To be a CA you need to be able to be there for your residents if that is what has to be done. If that is in the form of safety protocols, guidance, or involvement, it doesn't take away from the fact that the job requires a certain degree of perspicacity.


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