There are CA's throughout each building to help solve our problems and allow us to have a smooth time settling in and creating bonds with people on our floor level. CA Dale has to find ways to illuminate different themes throughout our floor and set up different programs to create floor group chats to connect with residents and ensure they are doing okay. While doing all that they are met with issues along the way that can sometimes be challenging or unexpected to the point where there force to make difficult decisions, after spending time observing different CA's and their job. I had the chance to interview CA Dale and get his opinion on what it takes to be a CA, the different aspects and challenges that come with his job, and how he deals with those tasks.
The first question I ask was "What's the most challenging thing as a CA?" He replied by saying "Dealing with different incidents, but mostly the ones that have to do with involving cops". I understand where he's coming from because no CA wants to call the cops on a resident. A question I ask that really was a personal question was what are the qualities of a good CA?. This was a question for the people who would like to be a CA or has thoughts about it. He responded by being honest, respectful, optimistic, having ambition, and kind. Which I think are all good qualities for being the better version of ourselves.

Their job comes with a lot of responsibilities. We should keep in mind that they are also students just like us residents. They enjoy hanging out with friends with the addition of having to go to classes. The one thing they're great at maintaining is time management. A great quality that CA's have are being able to schedule plans around their work schedule. When I interviewed my other CA, CA Hecenit said something that stuck with me "Knowing when to separate the job and friendship". This is great advice for anyone who has future thoughts on being a CA.
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